Independent Directors play a vital role in business dealings nowadays. For many financial institutions, independent directors should serve as part of the board of special purpose entities or SPEs which are formed by the companies in order to protect and keep their assets during real estate transactions. They mostly play a role on the board of financially distressed companies. Although every company maintains their goals to have the best directors, an independent director may be called in to aid during the times of distress. An experienced and knowledgeable director mitigates the company’s situation by helping in the litigation and bankruptcy situations, or when the company is facing insolvency or still entering the state of insolvency. Accountingguru’s independent directors can help in those worst cases.

Who are independent directors?

According to the NASDAQ Rule 4200, an Independent director means a person that is not an executive officer or employee of the same company. He or she must not have any relationship whatsoever such that it would impair his independent judgment for the carrying out of his responsibilities. He must not be employed by the company or any of its related parent or subsidiary for the last three years. In a nutshell, independent directors are those that have independent ties with the company and only work as such in times of financial distress or other major financial transactions.

What Are Our Independent Director Services?

In Accountingguru, we provide for best Independent Director Services and advisory on such. You may call our office at (+65) 6728 5483 to book for an appointment with us.